8 TIPS TO WRITE FASTER 1) Think positively. Don't tell yourself that you're not a good writer. Your thoughts influence your attitudes and actions. As Margaret Thatcher said so aptly (at least in the film): Instead, tell yourself that you can write and it will be. 2) Short is good. Make it easy for yourself at the beginning and prefer to write short texts. You don't have to write 1500 word articles straight away (even if they go down well on Google). Start with 400 words and share only one tip with your readers and not 10. 3) Deadline printing helps. Set yourself a clear deadline that is as short as possible. The more time you give yourself to write a text, the more time you will need for it. I can still remember my PR agency days very well. We always worked under time pressure and what do you think how quickly a text was finished…. 4) Gather inspiration. Collect ideas in a list. Whenever inspiration comes over you, be it reading the newspaper or the gallery, write down your ideas. If customers keep asking you the same things, write it down. The answers to customer questions are ideal content for blog, newsletter or video. Nothing is worse than sitting in front of a virgin page and not knowing what to write about. 5) Planning is half the job. Use an editorial plan. After you have collected your ideas in a list, regularly put them in a calendar. Also enter the dates, holidays and other occasions that are important for your customers. And don't forget your own dates, such as new products, seminars, events, etc. This way you avoid doubts about which topic might be good now. 6) Set a text goal. Before you write your text, ask yourself: 1. What should my reader take home? 2. What action should my reader take after reading the text? Then structure your text so that you achieve both of these goals for your reader. For example, after reading this article, I want you to think that EVERYONE can write well with the right mindset and tips. My concern is to give you several ways to create good content faster. And of course I hope you try one of these tips. 7) Editing will take place later. Never edit your texts while you are writing, because that makes you infinitely slow. Instead, just write down your thoughts. If you get stuck, just start a new sentence. Check out the 3 day technique . On day 1 ideas for the text are collected and researched, on day 2 they are written and on day 3 the text is completed, formatted and edited. 8) Work in slices. Work with maximum concentration and don't get distracted. The Pomodoro Technique helps you focus on just one task for a short period of time. You determine your task, set the egg timer to 25 minutes and then off you go. After the time has elapsed, you have a 5 minute break, then you continue another 25 minutes. Bet after 4 such units you will have your article ready? I used the technology all the time at the beginning of my “writing career” at Likes Media. write essay for me write my essay write my essay for me essay writing service paper writing service